The 24 Hour Knight

Today’s men face many commitments. From his duty to his family to his obligation to his work place, there are constant calls on his time. How many times have your council’s recruiters heard the reply: “I don’t have much time to give to the Knights, so why should I join?” It’s a common concern among many prospects that they just don’t have the time to be a part of the Knights of Columbus.
Imagine if you were able to tell a man that if he could just give 24 hours a year to the Knights of Columbus he could make a positive difference in his community and Church. Below is an illustration of just how little time it takes to be an active part of the Knights of Columbus. Even with this minimal commitment he can be an important part of a council and reap the benefits of what membership in the Knights of Columbus has to offer him and his family. When talking to a prospect about joining our Order, try breaking down the time commitment in this way:
- 12 hours a year reading the weekly parish bulletin, the state and local council newsletters, Columbia magazine, and surfing the state council and Supreme Council Web sites.
- 2 hours a year volunteering at the council’s annual drive for people with intellectual disabilities.
- 2 hours a year attending, with his family, two council corporate Communions or prayer services at the parish.
- 2 hours a year on a council-sponsored Church, community, council family or youth project of his choosing.
- 2 hours a year attending one council meeting. (If it’s a well-run interesting meeting he might even come back for a second.)
- 4 hours a year enjoying (again, with his entire family) a council social function such as a dinner, dance, picnic, etc.
When you present the time commitment of joining the Knights of Columbus to a man is this way, it doesn’t seem very intimidating at all. Once a man becomes a member and sees how rewarding being a part of the Knights of Columbus is, he’ll want to dedicate more of his time to the Order.
There are 8,760 hours in a year. By giving the Knights of Columbus 24 of those hours (less than .3 percent), a man can be a better Catholic, a better father, a better husband and a better person. Think of the difference the Knights of Columbus can make in our communities if these men join us. We only have to let each qualified prospect know that he has the time to join and make a difference in his community and the Church in just 24 hours.
Preserving our Past ~ Forging our Future ~ Centered on the Eucharist